Birthright Israel Foundation of Canada stands with the people of Israel during these most difficult times.
Am Yisrael Chai!
For more than half of all participants, Birthright Israel is their first visit to Israel.
To date, 900,000 participants worldwide have received the gift of a Birthright Israel trip.
For 25 years, the Birthright Israel program has transformed an entire generation of Jewish young adults.
The cost of the gift of a classic 10-day Birthright Israel experience for one person.

“Birthright Israel is no longer just a program but a strategic asset to the Jewish People.”
Dr. Zohar RavivIntl. VP of Educational Strategy, Birthright Israel
"Before I left I would tell people that I was 'born Jewish'. Now I proudly tell people that 'I am Jewish'. In my wildest dreams, I would have never expected to feel that sense of pride and joy that I feel now."
Max2012 Alumnus
"Your support allowed me to take part in activities I would never had done myself. You helped me break free of my comfort zone and gave me an unbelievable experience. Thank you again for everything you have done!”
Holly Stacey2019 Alumnus
“You can’t educate someone to love and identify with the Jewish people and Israel. Falling in love has to be experiential, and Birthright is the best way we have of giving them that experience.”
Barry ShrageFormer President, Combined Jewish Philanthropies, Boston