Board of Directors

Honorary Chairman &
Program Co-Founder
Charles R. Bronfman

Past Chair of the Board
David Engel

Lori Rosenthal

Members at Large

Chaia Berkowitz
Tony Cohen
William Jegher
Lissy Kates
Ariel Koschitzky
Leonid Kotov 
Shira Silverstein
Elizabeth Sokolsky


Elisabeth Colson

Young Leadership Council

Leonid Kotov, YLC Chair

Zev Gasner
Jordan Rostowsky
Akilah Allen-Silverstein
Boris Varshavsky


Advisor & Mentor to Young Leadership Council

Jaclyn Leebosh

Professional Staff

Chaia Berkowitz
President and CEO

Evgenia Klavir
Chief Development Officer

Rebecca Soberman
Chief Communications Officer

Daniel Bloch
Director of Development & Engagement

Bonnie Goldberg
Operations & Program Manager